Thursday, July 2, 2009

How Can I Benefit from A Credit Card Counseling Company?

Are you so far in debt you can't see any way out? Are you in danger of loosing your automobile or even your home? Now is the time to take action before your home goes into foreclosure or you have to resort to bankruptcy.

Credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit companies may be the way for you to pull yourself up out of the crushing weight of your bills and be able to breathe freely again knowing you are taking steps to pay off your debts.

You ask what a credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit company can do for you? Let me count the ways.

1. Eliminate your credit card debt by up to 70%.

2. Phone calls from bill collectors will stop.

3. Consolidate your bills into one low monthly payment.

4. Instantly reduce your debt and interest charges.

5. Credit Counselors will work with your creditors to bring down your payments.

6. Relax and let the credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit company take care of disbursing payments to your creditors.

7. You pay one payment to the company and they will see that your bills are paid on time.

8. You will receive a monthly statement of the bills that have been paid and when.

9. You will still receive statements from your creditors.

Credit cards normally have an annual interest rate between 18% and 24%. If you make only minimum payments you will be still paying on them in 30 years. When you take advantage of the services of a credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit company you will be able to reduce your interest rate and eliminate late fees in some cases. Your creditors will get their money and you will save or at least repair your credit rating. Everyone wins and you will reduce the length of time it will take to get out of debt.

One important thing to remember is that, as with any type of business, you need to do your homework before you enter into an agreement with a debt consolidation company. There have been some of these companies who have taken the money from clients and used it for their own designs, stating that the monthly amount was a fee for their involvement. Others have not paid the bills on time and the client's credit was ruined.

Make sure you are clear about how much they will charge for a fee. You will also need to make it clear that you expect the money to be disbursed to your creditors as soon as they receive it. Debt consolidation can be a godsend but you need to make yourself clear and make sure they are clear about how they do business.

In the long run, as long as you are aware of the problems with some of these companies you have the advantage. A reputable credit card counseling debt consolidation non profit company can help you get back on track with your credit and any other financial problems you may be having.

Genius Debt Consolidation Companies

Genius debt consolidation non profit company refers to a company that offers a wide variety of services. I have compiled a list of genius debt consolidation non profit companies.

The List:

- Family Credit Help- Charges no setup fees for credit counseling, offers a no obligation budget and credit counseling session.

- Nano Debt- Can consolidate your debts in as little as 10 seconds. Credit counselors can work with your creditors to reduce your debt up to 80%. You will get a free quote in seconds on the website.

- Debt Consolidation- The world leader when it comes to debt management and credit counseling, debt consolidation, debt reduction. They can make your debt a memory.

- Counsel Debt- Will give you an online quote in two minutes with no obligation and no credit check.

- Christian Debt Consolidation Services- Free, no obligation quote, Will lower your monthly payments, reduce or eliminate high interest rates, allow you to make 1 affordable payment. A member of the BBB.

- Excess Debt- Offers a great alternative to bankruptcy. They will work with your creditors to reduce your debt amounts by 50-60%. Debt consolidation. Only work with those who have over $10 thousand in debt.

- Freedom Debt Relief : Works only with those who owe more than $15 thousand in outstanding debt. Can cut your debt and payments up to 50%. They have plans to get you out of debt within 12-30 minutes. You get a quote in less than 10 minutes. No fees are paid unless they save you money.

- How 2 Solve Debt- Debt consolidation search.

Many of these sites will offer links to other sites that will also be helpful in getting your credit back on track. These services include, mortgages lenders who will help those with less than perfect credit obtain money to keep from losing their home to foreclosure and stop bankruptcy. To build up your credit you may want to open one credit card account and make sure the payments are paid on time. Credit cards most usually do report to credit bureaus.

There may come a time in our lives when, through extreme circumstances we find ourselves in deeply in debt. Before we turn to bankruptcy it would be in our best interest to figure a way to solve our monetary problems and keep our credit from being ruined. If we see that we cannot keep up with our mortgage payments or other bills are mounting up it is a good time to consider remortgaging our home and try to get a better interest rate. This could be enough to pay all of our bills up to date, save our homes and hang on to our good credit rating.

Don't forget to check out the genius debt consolidation non profit websites before it's too late.